Näätämön Ystävät

Näätämön Ystävät (Friends of Näätämö) association was founded 20 years ago in 1993 by persons fishing for salmon on the Näätämö (Neiden) river. There are about 100 members around Finland, and even a few international members. Our goals are to give information about conditions concerning fishing the Neiden river, deliver wishes of those fishing the river to the local authorities, and make small purchases to help our members feel a little more confortable during their stay on the river. Our goal is to improve the local fishing and environmental conditions and the attitudes of those fishing the Neiden river.
Näätämön Ystävät wishes You tight lines for the upcoming summer, keeping in mind that the main purpose of fishing is to have a good and refreshing time with this awesome hobby! Neiden is a beautiful river, so remember to try and keep the nature in good condition for others to enjoy, also bearing in mind good etiquette and restraining from over-fishing the local stock. Every fish let to return to their spawning grounds is a small but important part of ensuring the continuity of the unique Neiden salmon for the coming generations to enjoy!